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Laravel Framework Installation Guide

1. Prerequisites

Ensure that you have PHP (version 7.3.0 or higher) and Composer installed on your system. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP.

2. Install Composer

If you don't have Composer installed, visit the official Composer website ( for instructions on installation.

3. Install Laravel Globally

Open your terminal and run composer global require laravel/installer to install Laravel globally on your system.

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4. Create a New Laravel Project

Navigate to the desired directory for your project via website development service online and run laravel new your-project-name to create a new Laravel project.

5. Serve the Application

Change into your project directory and run php artisan serve to start the built-in development server. Access your Laravel application at http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

Yii2 Framework Installation
6. Prerequisites

Make sure you have PHP (version 5.4 or higher) and Composer installed on your system or buy website development service for help.

7. Create a New Yii2 Project

In your terminal, execute composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic your-project-name to create a new Yii2 project.

8. Configure and Serve

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Configure your Yii2 application by editing the config/web.php file. Run php yii migrate to apply migrations for setting up the database in your best website development help. Serve the application using the built-in PHP server (php -S localhost:8080 -t web/), accessible at http://localhost:8080.

These steps offer a foundational setup for Laravel and Yii2 projects. Adjust configurations with the help of a cheap website development deal based on your project's requirements and refer to the official documentation for more detailed information.

Both Laravel and Yii2 are powerful PHP frameworks for affordable website development service help with distinct features and benefits. Everyone must learn these benefits for custom website development.

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Benefits of Laravel

Laravel provides an elegant and expressive syntax, making code more readable and developer-friendly. It follows the convention over configuration (CoC) principle.

Laravel comes with a powerful command-line tool called Artisan, which simplifies common tasks like database migrations, testing, and job scheduling.

Laravel uses the Blade templating engine, which is both intuitive and efficient. Blade allows for the creation of dynamic, reusable components and layouts.

Laravel's Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) simplifies database interactions by providing an easy-to-use syntax for working with databases. It supports relationships, migrations, and more.

Laravel Mix simplifies the management of frontend assets, making it easy to compile and minify CSS and JavaScript. It integrates with popular frontend frameworks and tools like Vue.js and React.

Laravel provides robust middleware support for filtering HTTP requests. Its built-in authentication system simplifies the implementation of user authentication and authorization.


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